Forces implore us
to publicize our private,
streaming a river
of narcissism that’s stylish
Forces reduce us
to useless end-users,
in coils we’re collected
across digital unions
Forces contort us
to distort simple choices,
powerful yet voiceless
as combatants act boisterous
Forces enrage us
to take refuge in pages,
with context shrinking
in cartels of stages
Forces coerce us
from vaults to movements,
in compiling concerns
or rallying the disillusioned
Forces outsource us
crossing seas to cut lines,
bottoming a balance
to tilt tops of the times
Forces divorce us
for games of fixed races,
riding polls and swings
inside battleground spaces
Forces exploit us
for converted restraint,
measuring an impact
by the lack of debate
Forces force us
to divert off our courses,
in a con for followers
through an elegant performance